The recent Harvard Business Review article "The Challenges of Becoming a Less Hierarchical Company" highlights some stumbling blocks companies may face when attempting to flatten their organizational structure. While the article makes valid points about the difficulties of this transition, it's important to consider the value hierarchy can provide in the proper context and when implemented thoughtfully.
Ultimately, the choice to flatten an organization or maintain elements of hierarchy depends on the company's current conditions, goals, and strategic priorities. What works for a small startup may not be optimal for a large, established enterprise. The key is finding the right balance and hybrid approach that leverages the strengths of both flat and hierarchical structures to enable the organization's success. For many, this may mean selectively applying hierarchy and decentralization in different areas of the business as appropriate.
By considering factors such as the company's size, industry, culture, and objectives, leaders can make an informed decision about the extent and type of hierarchy that will best support the organization's performance. A nuanced, tailored approach allows companies to reap the benefits of both models while mitigating the challenges. The optimal structure empowers employees and drives innovation while providing the necessary coordination and accountability to execute effectively.
The Enduring Benefits of Hierarchy
The Enduring Benefits of Hierarchy
Hierarchy has been the dominant organizational model for centuries, and its prevalence is not accidental. As businesses grow and scale over time, hierarchical structures often emerge naturally to manage complexity and maintain control. Research has shown that a manager's ideal number of direct reports is around 7, with a range of 5-9 being optimal. As a company adds employees, it becomes increasingly difficult for a single leader to effectively manage and coordinate the work of a large, flat team.
In fact, Havard Business Review's articles highlight the need for structure beyond a certain amount of direct reports, especially at higher levels of the organization. For almost 100 years, that span of control range generally has not changed and has been brought up in multiple management studies over that time.
V.A. Graicunas' theory on span of control (1937): Graicunas suggested that the optimal number of subordinates for a manager to oversee is around 6, based on the number of potential relationships the manager would need to manage. While this is an older study, it laid the groundwork for future research on span of control as it includes detailed calculations used to understand the complexity of relationships as the number of direct reports grows.
Bittner, E. (1965). The concept of organization. Social Research, 239-255: This study also suggested that the optimal span of control is around 6 subordinates per manager.
Cathcart, D., Jeska, S., Karnas, J., Miller, S.E., Pechacek, J. and Rheault, L. (2004), "Span of control matters", Journal of Nursing Administration, Vol. 34 No. 9, pp. 395-399: This study found that the optimal span of control for nurse managers was between 5 to 9 direct reports, with performance and satisfaction declining above or below this range.
Davison, B. (2003). Management span of control: how wide is too wide?. Journal of Business Strategy, 24(4), 22-29: Davison suggests that while the optimal span of control varies by industry and role, the range of 5-9 direct reports is generally considered ideal for most managers.
While technology has undoubtedly improved productivity over the last 100 years, companies find that their teams can't be effective without good leadership and that leadership only has a span of control of so many direct reports. The reality is that humans only have a specific capacity for nuance across relationships, and each relationship needs a certain amount of dedicated time to flourish and positively impact the team. For every new individual you add to a team with a single manager, you're creating a multitude of additional connections and relationships to manage across the team members.
So why are so many businesses flattening their organization? We believe it's trending as a cost-cutting measure to eliminate expensive middle management, but it won't end well for most organizations, as outlined in "5 Reasons Why A Flat Organizational Structure Fails & What You Can Do About It". While much of our analysis suggests that bad management may be worse than little or no management, hierarchy is still crucial for teams to allow for a more scalable structure. This hierarchical approach provides several key benefits:

1. Clear lines of authority and accountability: Hierarchy establishes a chain of command that clarifies decision-making rights and responsibilities at each level. Employees understand who they report to and who has the authority to make decisions.
2. Efficient decision-making, especially in a crisis: With a clear hierarchy, decisions can be made quickly by the appropriate level of management without getting bogged down in consensus-seeking or confusion over who has the final say. This clarity is particularly valuable in high-stakes or time-sensitive situations.
3. Obvious career paths and promotion prospects for employees: A hierarchical structure creates a clear ladder for employees to climb, with each rung representing a new level of responsibility and authority. This visible path for advancement can be a strong motivator and retention tool.
4. Ability to develop deep functional expertise in departments: Hierarchical organizations often group employees by function or skill set, allowing for the development of specialized knowledge and expertise within each area. This departmental structure enables employees to hone their craft and become subject matter experts.
As organizations scale, some degree of hierarchy is often necessary to maintain efficiency and control. The key is to strike the right balance, leveraging the benefits of hierarchy while avoiding the pitfalls of excessive bureaucracy and rigidity. By designing a hierarchical structure that is fit for purpose and adaptable to the organization's needs, companies can harness the enduring advantages of this time-tested model while still enabling agility and innovation.
The Case for a Hybrid Approach
The Case for a Hybrid Approach
Examples of Some Common Hybrid Approaches
Examples of Some Common Hybrid Approaches
Implementing a Hybrid Approach
Implementing a Hybrid Approach
Transitioning to a hybrid structure requires careful planning and change management to ensure a smooth and successful implementation. Leaders must intentionally design a model that aligns with the organization's strategic objectives and culture while considering employees' needs and preferences.

By taking a thoughtful and iterative approach to implementing a hybrid model, organizations can successfully combine the benefits of hierarchy and flat structures to create a more agile, innovative, and resilient organization. The key is finding the right balance and customization for the company's unique context and goals.