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  • Content Creation Services

    Power your content marketing engine with our content creation services. We produce high-converting content to attract potential buyers to your site.
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Some companies offer a range of prices per word but that just means you’re getting lower quality. We only offer high-quality work because that’s what your customers/clients would demand from your content. Plus it's a waste of money to purchase content that’s not likely to rank due to low quality. We put our customer's best interests first whether we’re directly consulting and managing long-term content needs or simply providing a single content piece. 

If your content doesn’t even have the ability to rank high in search engines, you’re not saving money you’re wasting money. Another note to consider is if any website is stating their content will rank number 1, they aren’t giving you the full story. Content alone especially on new websites or websites that don’t have proven value to the searches will have a very difficult time ranking. Also, consider that search engines today often vary the content shown by user search history, location, and a myriad of other factors including how the website is built and marked up; therefore, if you really want to ensure you have the best chance to rank high in the search engines we also offer managed SEO services that come up content writing so that you don’t have to pay piecemeal for writing and you get a dedicated account manager for your content. 

Universal Creative Solutions is your trusted partner for strategizing, creating, and distributing effective content. We take a systematic approach to ensure your content creation is repeatable and scalable.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're still curious about how process automation works, we've drafted an FAQ to help answer commonly asked questions. 

How does it work?

Need content that attracts and converts leads? 

We offer content creation services that aim to attract, engage and convert. 

Whether you're a local business, content creator, or SaaS company, our custom content can catapult your online visibility and provide you the boost to attract new leads. 

At Universal Creative Solutions, we take a three-pronged approach to helping you create content that delivers results. 

  1. Perform a comprehensive content audit and competitor analysis 

  2. Perform market research and create a content marketing strategy 

  3. Deliver impeccable content to drive traffic, leads, and sales. 

Do you charge per article or per word?

It shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. We focus on delivering valuable high-converting content without digging deep into your pockets. On our consultation call, we'll listen to your goals and recommend an appropriate content creation plan that is feasible for your situation. We'll provide a fee for our content services based on our call. However, since we aim to be strategic with our content, we'll charge on a per project basis for blog and SEO content. 

What writing style do you follow?

We don't ever write on a cookie-cutter basis, nor do we want to simply publish bulk content that looks and sounds like everything else on the internet. Instead, we get crystal clear on your company's voice and branding. Every industry is different. Therefore, we work with our writers to match the style and tone that best suits your company's voice. We even help build a style guide with you so that all content is unified and doesn't deviate from your brand persona. 

What is Website Copywriting?

Web copywriting is copy written online, including product pages, landing pages, social media posts, ad copy, blog posts, and everything in between. A compelling web page with great copy increases conversions and gets users to take action. This form of action could be making a purchase or submitting a lead form. 

Why is Website Copywriting Important? (what can website copywriting do for my business?)

Great copy completely changes the way potential customers view your business. Effective copy engages users in a way that connects with them. Unlike writing that was taught in school, web copywriting aims to keep the language simple and easy to understand so that prospects can better relate to the content.

In particular, website copywriting should be one of the main pillars of your website. Whether your business offers products or services, these web pages should get readers to take action. Website copywriting involves many elements such as SEO optimization, attention-grabbing headline, a hook, benefits, social proof, objection handling, and a call to action.

Poor copywriting is extremely evident on websites. Common mistakes of website copywriting are unclear language, very technical jargon that is difficult to understand, explaining features rather than benefits, and no call to action.

What can Website Copywriting do for my business?
In particular, website copywriting should be one of the main pillars of your website. Whether your business offers products or services, these web pages should get readers to take action. Website copywriting involves many elements such as SEO optimization, attention-grabbing headline, a hook, benefits, social proof, objection handling, and a call to action. 

Poor copywriting is extremely evident on websites. Common mistakes of website copywriting are unclear language, very technical jargon that is difficult to understand, explaining features rather than benefits, and no call to action. 

What Do Our Website Copywriting Services Include?

Our services are meant to be custom-made to tailor our work to deliver you the best possible results. The beauty of our services is that everything is "done-for-you," meaning the process is completely hands-off. We learn more about your goals and your dream business, and we get to work on turning your website into a selling machine.

Depending on your scenario, we can offer the following services: 

Blog Writing

We produce long-form SEO-optimized blog posts designed to rank on search engines and attract your target audience. We'll create a highly converting website copy that hooks readers and makes them eager to pull out their wallets. Our goal is to produce topics that your audience is dying to know; they are searching on Google looking for answers to problems you could provide. 

Website Copywriting 

Looking to launch a new product or business? The copy is meant to highlight your brand and product's benefits and unique selling proposition. 

Email Copywriting

Email is an effective method to nurture leads and build trust. Whether it's newsletters, welcome emails, or promotional emails, we can do it all. Some businesses are looking to build nurturing email sequences, while others need to keep in touch with their customers. 

Ad Copywriting

Getting a good return on investment is at the top of our priority. That's why we take our ad copy extremely seriously. We aim to produce ad copy that "hits home" for your audience. The goal is to grab their attention and pique their interest enough to take action. We may even recommend performing A/B tests so you know which ad copy produces the best results. 

Landing Page or Sales Page Copywriting

Visitors who land on a sales page are very likely to have a strong interest in your product. On a gut level, they need to buy your product. The strong copy starts with the headline and grabs their attention. We use other tactics to improve conversion, such as formatting the text so it's easy to skim, describing benefits instead of features, adding social proof, using a strong call-to-action, and more. 

Social Media Copywriting

We focus on producing social media copy that is relevant and useful for your audience. Our copy is designed to be brief yet powerful. The goal of social media copy is to get readers to interact through likes, comments, and shares. Furthermore, they should take the next steps to learn more about the business.

Types of Content we Create

You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box

We know that hiring a full-time marketing department may not be feasible. Neither is learning and doing it internally. That's why you're here on this page. At Universal Creative Solutions, our goal is to be your content engine that churns out engaging, value-packed, and highly converting content for your business. 

Content marketing has many benefits, such as attracting the right audience, building trust and authority, educating your customers, nurturing leads, driving conversions, and establishing brand loyalty. 

Businesses will differ on the type of content they need based on their industry and goals. Some industries work better with video and social media content, while others require long-form blog content. Here are the types of content we create: 

Long-form blog content

Case Studies

White papers


Checklists and templates


Social Media Posts

New Releases


Email Newsletters



Resource Centers

Comparison Sheets