7 Things Managers Should Never Do

2023.10.23 01:05 PM - By Joshua Taddeo, Principal Consultant
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Management in a company can make or break a workplace, as it's the most organized and effective way to raise productivity. Effective leadership can steer a company toward prosperity, while poor management can lead to chaos and employee discontent. But it's important to recognize that managers are susceptible to making mistakes. Managerial missteps occur far more frequently than one might expect. These missteps can significantly impact an organization's productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall mental health.


Managers frequently encounter numerous challenges, and although they typically intend to steer the ship toward success, they can sometimes make errors in judgment and decision-making. Acknowledging these common pitfalls represents the first step in improving managerial skills. In this article, we'll explore seven critical mistakes that managers should avoid. By learning from these pitfalls, managers can foster a more productive workplace.

Importance of Good Management  

Great managers play a vital role in ensuring that a workplace operates smoothly and achieves success. We've all experienced how excellent bosses can help us thrive in our roles, but what sets them apart? How do they balance keeping their employees content while also maximizing productivity? Behind exceptional management, you'll find strategic thinkers. These individuals make well-thought-out moves with a human touch. They see their employees as unique individuals and recognize their strengths.


A good manager understands their employees' dynamics and can set goals that align with their strengths. They also excel in organizing resources, making the path toward a specific purpose as smooth as possible. When management doesn't employ problem-solving and strategic approaches, they risk losing valuable talent without even realizing it. Here are the primary benefits of good management: 

Improve Employee Retention  

Once an employee secures a job, completes training, and adapts to a new work environment, they often prefer to stay with an organization for several years. However, if management neglects to offer proper support, it can push them to explore other job opportunities. That's why we recommend organizations focus on identifying and addressing the root causes of burnout, such as the lack of career development, a rigid leadership culture, and insufficient feedback. This proactive approach allows you to take action before employees decide to leave.

managing employee and discussing company rules

Enhance Employee Productivity and Success  

Organizations that excel in employee management prioritize regular performance evaluations, acknowledge outstanding work, set clear performance expectations, and provide training opportunities. With this kind of support, employees can better understand their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and effectively apply feedback.

Cultivate a Positive Work Environment  

Effective employee management entails trusting your workforce, maintaining transparency regarding business operations, and promoting open, two-way communication. Each of these practices significantly contributes to boosting employee confidence, quelling rumors, and reducing workplace stress. Consequently, your work environment becomes more uplifting and supportive, making employees eager to come to work each day. As a result, it fosters increased productivity and more robust team relationships.

Ensure an Outstanding Work Experience  

Successful employee management revolves around empowering individuals to perform at their best. Managers must provide the resources, support, and tools to fulfill their teams' responsibilities efficiently. By simplifying complex tasks, introducing motivating incentives, and promoting a healthy work-life balance, you ultimately create a top-tier employee experience. In addition to making employees feel valued, this approach enhances your employer's brand.

team leader discussing company strategy

Common Managerial Pitfalls  

Experts calculate that replacing a single employee can cost up to twice the amount of an employee's salary. When employees are asked why they leave one job for another or even quit without having a new job lined up, many of the top reasons are because of problems with management:


  • They don't trust their bosses, especially in decision-making or honest transparency.

  • They don't trust the people in charge of the company, especially in decision-making or genuine transparency.

  • They feel their hard work isn't appreciated by management or company leadership.


If you're new to managing a team or want to teach new leaders, knowing how to avoid these seven common management mistakes is essential. That's because it can help keep employees from leaving, make them more engaged and productive, and make your company a place where talented people want to work.


Micromanagement makes the employees feel like they are watching over their shoulders all the time, ensuring they do every little thing just the way the manager wants. While ensuring perfection might seem like a good idea, it often does more harm than good. When managers micromanage, it can have a stifling effect on their team. Employees may feel they are not allowed to think creatively or make decisions independently. Generally, this can lead to stress and burnout as they constantly worry about being watched and critiqued or, even worse, when they know they could do a better job but don't feel they are allowed to be the primary decision-maker for improving the function and outcomes.


Furthermore, micromanagement undermines the trust between employees and their managers. Trust is a crucial element in any successful team. When employees feel that their every move faces scrutiny, it can create an atmosphere of anxiety and tension. Employees may begin to question whether their manager has confidence in their abilities. Consequently, it can harm morale and job satisfaction.


Many managers don't feel like they are micromanaging because they don't see how their decisions impact the day-to-day work. As a leader, you must see the bigger and finer picture before making decisions. You may think a decision to remove a job role on the team to reduce handoffs between steps isn't micromanaging. However, when the increased work hits your employee's desk, you've effectively reorganized their role to include another function. Even if you aren't telling them how to execute that functionality, which is likely a mistake in practical training and onboarding alone, you've effectively micromanaged what they must do daily without getting feedback and testing to ensure the change will positively impact their work or achieve your goal.


Micromanagement comes in many forms, and ignorant decision-making often leads to the "fires" that distract and confuse your teams into significantly wasting time, especially when you don't give them autonomy to make decisions. Whether you're asking them to follow overly specific instructions without reason or creating a general system of chaos that forces them to check in constantly to figure out their next step, you are micromanaging your employees and killing productivity.


Effective managers promote autonomy and trust within their teams to avoid these negative consequences. They provide clear expectations, guidance, resources, and support but allow employees the space to excel in their roles by deciding how best to achieve your end goals. This approach boosts creativity and job satisfaction and fosters a more harmonious and productive work environment where employees feel valued and empowered.
managing a team

 Neglecting Employee Feedback   

Neglecting employee feedback can be a detrimental pitfall for any organization. When management doesn't create open channels for feedback, it can impede the growth and development of the company as a whole. Employees often interact closely with the business's day-to-day operations, making their insights and suggestions invaluable for organizational success. With a means for employees to voice their opinions and concerns and actionable pathways for leadership to utilize that feedback, the organization may take advantage of it to improve the bottom line and increase revenue.


One way to address this issue is by recognizing the importance of open feedback channels. These channels should provide employees with a platform to express their ideas, discuss challenges, and offer suggestions for enhancement. By actively seeking and embracing employee feedback, an organization can create a culture of continuous improvement. It fosters a sense of employee ownership and engagement and ensures the company can proactively adapt and evolve to meet changing needs and challenges.


Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement is not just about gathering feedback; it also involves acting on that feedback. When employees see that their input is taken seriously and leads to positive changes, they are likelier to remain engaged and motivated. This approach can contribute to a dynamic and adaptable work environment where employees and the organization thrive.

Communication Missteps   

Communication missteps in the workplace can create significant challenges. When communication is clear, it sets the stage for clarity and frustration. Ambiguity in instructions or expectations can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes, causing unnecessary setbacks for a team or project. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a harmonious work environment. Team members must be on the same page due to unclear communication to avoid breaking trust and collaboration.


In addition to the dangers of unclear communication, managers should be vigilant about their choice of words. The language used in the workplace can have a profound impact on team morale. Demoralizing or inappropriate remarks can be particularly damaging. They can erode employee confidence, create a hostile atmosphere, and negatively affect team dynamics. Managers must choose their words thoughtfully, using respectful, constructive, and motivating language.


The workplace should be a space where all employees feel valued and respected. It's crucial to recognize the significance of clear communication to achieve this. Managers and team members should be able to express their thoughts and ideas effectively without fear of misunderstandings or inappropriate comments. When clear and respectful communication is a priority, everyone can thrive in a more positive and collaborative work environment.

 Lack of Inclusivity   

Lack of inclusivity is a critical issue that can have far-reaching consequences in a workplace. Employees feeling excluded or undervalued can lead to disengagement and a decline in morale. Inclusivity ensures that everyone in the team, regardless of background or identity, feels like an integral part of the group. It's not just meeting diversity quotas but actively cultivating an environment where every voice is heard and respected.


Cultivating a sense of belonging and equity is a powerful approach to addressing this issue. When employees feel they belong to a group where their uniqueness is accepted and celebrated, it fosters a strong sense of team cohesion. In an inclusive workplace, all team members have an equal opportunity to contribute ideas, share their perspectives, and play a meaningful role in decision-making. This sense of belonging and equity boosts morale and enhances creativity and problem-solving by bringing diverse viewpoints to the table.


Inclusive workplaces are more likely to attract and retain top talent, as individuals from various backgrounds are attracted to organizations where they know their voices matter. Furthermore, an inclusive culture can lead to a more positive and collaborative work environment where employees are motivated to give their best and contribute to the organization's success. It's a win-win situation that promotes both personal and professional growth.

 Failure to Motivate   

Failure to motivate is a common managerial pitfall with significant repercussions for a team's performance and morale. Managers play a pivotal role in creating a motivating work environment. When managers don't recognize and appreciate their employees' efforts, it can lead to a lack of motivation and decreased productivity. Employees often work more passionately when they feel their hard work is acknowledged and rewarded.


The role of a manager in motivating the team is crucial. Managers should be the cheerleaders of their teams, offering support and encouragement. They should set clear expectations, provide feedback, and acknowledge excellent work. A motivated team is more likely to be engaged, committed, and productive. Compelling motivation doesn't always require grand gestures; sometimes, simple expressions of appreciation can go a long way in boosting morale.


The consequences of not recognizing and appreciating employees' efforts can be demoralizing. Employees who feel their work needs to be noticed may become disheartened and less enthusiastic about their tasks. It can result in decreased productivity and increased turnover, as employees may seek recognition and appreciation elsewhere. To avoid this, managers should prioritize employee motivation by celebrating accomplishments, offering constructive feedback, and providing opportunities for growth and development.

Ethical Boundaries   

Ethical boundaries in the workplace are non-negotiable. Managers are responsible for maintaining these boundaries, and one key aspect is never asking employees to lie or misrepresent information. Thus, this is a matter of personal ethics and crucial to maintaining the organization's reputation and trustworthiness.


Asking employees to lie or misrepresent information can lead to severe consequences, both for the organization and the individuals involved. It can damage the company's integrity and credibility, eroding the trust of customers, employees, and stakeholders. Additionally, it may lead to legal troubles and tarnish the organization's public image.


The foundation of ethical leadership lies in upholding a high standard of integrity. Managers should set a clear example by adhering to ethical guidelines and encouraging employees to do the same. These actions include being transparent, honest, and accountable in all dealings. By respecting ethical boundaries and fostering a culture of integrity, organizations can maintain their reputation, gain the trust of their employees, and thrive in the long run. Managers must adhere to ethical boundaries. Never ask employees to lie or misrepresent information, as this can lead to severe consequences for the organization and individual employees. Uphold a high standard of integrity in your leadership.

business leader presenting strategy

 Leadership Missteps   

Leadership missteps are a significant concern, as the role of a leader is one of trust and responsibility. Any actions compromising a leader's credibility can have lasting and widespread consequences, affecting the entire team and organization. To avoid these missteps, leaders must embrace their role as role models, setting a positive example and demonstrating unwavering commitment to the organization's values.


Leaders often serve as the guiding light for their teams. They inspire, provide direction, and ensure the team stays on course. When leaders exhibit behaviors that undermine their credibility, it can lead to losing the trust and respect of team members. These actions can decrease morale, engagement, and productivity and may lead to talented employees seeking opportunities elsewhere.


Being a role model for your team is not just about words but actions. Influential leaders consistently demonstrate the organization's values through their behavior, decisions, and interactions with team members. They foster a culture of trust, respect, and accountability, which encourages employees to follow suit. By embracing this role and consistently upholding their leadership responsibilities, leaders can maintain their credibility and keep the team motivated and engaged in achieving common goals.

Charting the Course: The Essential Role of Ethical and Effective Leadership  

Managing a team can be complex, posing challenges for novice and experienced managers. Trust and transparent communication among team members are essential for a healthy and flourishing business. Managers are pivotal in this dynamic by conveying strategic goals and expectations to their employees and inspiring and guiding their teams to attain these objectives.


However, even with the best intentions, managers might need to consider the impact of their management style on the individuals they lead. Any oversight can inadvertently nurture negative sentiments and eventually lead to conflicts within the team. Over time, these challenges can obstruct the team's progress toward success.


To effectively tackle these managerial challenges and facilitate your organization's journey toward operational excellence, consider the invaluable insights and support Universal Creative Solutions offers. Our operations and managerial consulting services equip you with the knowledge and strategies to cultivate a positive and high-performing work culture.


By collaborating with us, you can ensure your team achieves its full potential, enabling you to meet and surpass your strategic goals. Effective management is the key to long-term success in the constantly evolving business landscape, and Universal Creative Solutions is here to guide you every step of the way.